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Ecole du chiot

Behavior sessions

Animal behaviorist behavior  

canine behaviorist education re-education training course education animal behavior individual individual behavior

canine education feline behavior canine educator 


I come to your home, in Toulouse and its surrounding area, to help you resolve problems encountered with your dog or cat:


The first session allows me to do a complete assessment of your needs, and those of your companion, in order to achieve your long-term goals.

report Detailed information will be sent to you by email after each session.

follow up is implemented systematically with regular exchanges, and if necessary, several sessions.

dog and cat brain
puppy playing 2.jpg

My vision of puppy school: 

Often when we talk about puppy school, we think of an education center where we take our puppy to leave it among other dogs, or to teach it to sit, walk on a leash, to obey etc... 

The vision I have is completely different. When you begin training, the basis does not lie in learning these kinds of things, or in letting him fend for himself among a dozen other puppies, but rather in learning to fundamental. Know how to relax at times and be calm, learn that solitude is normal, learn to play sparingly, learn how to behave when meeting other dogs or even learn to clean at your own pace and without stress.  ;

Of course, walking on a leash, recall or other essential education skills are learned later! 

And what about you?

Wanting to educate your puppy is a very good thing, but do you know everything you need to know about it?

My goal will be to teach you to recognize your dog's needs, to teach you how to communicate correctly with him, how to interpret his body language and his way of functioning (because every dog is different!). Through games, observation, and appreciation, you will learn how to build a relationship of trust and how to evolve together.

Garçon promener son chien

Just like with puppy school, I have my own idea of a training walk.

I don't do big group walks because I don't find any interest in it in terms of learning, neither for the dog, nor for its owner.

What interests me, however, is to take you with me individually to places where we meet other dogs in real situations. 


The purpose of these walks? Being able to teach you how to read your dog correctly during various encounters throughout our walk. Learn to meet another dog (unknown to yours) calmly, learn when to let your dog interact or when to intervene, or even teach you how communication works between two dogs.

Secondly, we can plan organized walks with 1 or 2 other people maximum, always in the same spirit and in order to continue the socialization of your dog or puppy.

Training walks



Hourly rate €45 + travel costs:

  • Less than 2 km from my home: free fees

  • Between 2 and 20 km: Kilometer package at 0.20cts per km

  • Above 25 km: flat rate €10 per trip.

Price for first visit behavioral assessment 80€ (2h) + travel expenses​


Training walk price : 25€

I travel throughout Occitania. For a distance greater than 30 km from Toulouse, contact me for a quote. ​

30% discount on the1st session on presentation of an adoption certificate from the SPA of Toulouse recent less than 2 months old.

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